Zaha Hadid Architects Exhibition in Shanghai
February 12, 2022
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中文: 扎哈建筑特展,上海
This set of photos was taken in the July of 2021. I was passing by Shanghai and had heard this thing… Sounds good let’s go.
It didn’t take long for me to realize I wasn’t the only one who had heard it, though. 😅😅

A really long line at the entrance.

Close-up Work+Research
Me waiting in the line, under the outrageously burning 3pm sunshine: 😅 💧 💧 💧
Architecture models, surrounded by people.
The whole thing is like… 👨 👩 👨 👩 👨 👩 👨 👩 🏘️ 👨 👩 👨 👩 👨 👩 👨 👩
So you can imagine what my experience was like. Most of time, people formed a sort of current. Everyone is making steps forward, slowly and passively. It’s probably not the easiest thing to do if you want to stay in front of an appealing model to take a closer look. I’m pretty sure soon you’ll get reminded in a polite way.
The whole exhibition took two floors. The first mostly for models, photos and renderings. And the second for daily objects and their practice of using algorithm to aid the design in different domains.

There's a special team named ZHACODE responsible for combining computational method and design.
So this section might correspond to the “research” in the title of the exhibition. Lots of delicate models were shown.

Design via 'parametrization'.

More design via 'parametrization'.
Then lots of familiar jargons in computer graphics appeared. It feels to me they’re quite standard for computer animation.
But unfortunately, most of the things they were trying to showcase, were not very well-explained (if they tried), perhaps due to the constraints of spaces. I could totally imagine what general audience’s response might be…

Let's check out 'High resolution mesh' and 'Catmull Clark subdivision'

English-only caption. Seems to be about how to use finite element method to analyze the stress in architectural design?
But it’s still pretty cool to see so many stuff (and people).
Zaha Hadid Architects Exhibition in Shanghai by Desmond Liu is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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