Sunset by the Danube (at Donauinsel)
November 18, 2021
If I get to pick a city to settle down, I hope it could be a city with a river flowing through. I don’t really know where that idea pops up from. But taking a walk in a warm afternoon by the riverside for sure sounds a right thing to do from time to time.
So here is a batch of photos I took earlier this year, approximately on the boundary of late summer and early fall, They were taken at Donauinsel, a slim and long island in the middle of the Danube, and it’s also the name of the metro station crossing over the river.

Donauinsel station, on line U1
Walking out of the metro station to the bridge outside, the river view just jumped into your eyes.
At Donauinsel, there’re all different kinds of people enjoying their time, including (but not limited to):
Looks cool.
Biker with his shadow biker friend Double bikers (?) Father-daughter bikers
True-swan-feeders Not-so-true-swan-feeders (Sorry, they are more like riders)

Do you have the urge to try it out? (come on, world’s largest!)
Last but not least, the river-gazers
Well, I think it’s time to head back.

Shall we?

Let's take U1 and say goodbye.
Sunset by the Danube (at Donauinsel) by Desmond Liu is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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